About Us

Meet the team behind your future dream team.

We are a team of experts in our respective fields who have banded together to open up Latin America to your human resource needs. However we are more than just a staffing company. We act as consultants, so you get more than just a remote team but the management and the continued guidance needed in order to have them be effective and efficient additions to your company.

David Sherman

Founder / CEO

Dave Graduated From Sacramento State with a Degree in Mechanical engineering and upon graduating promptly disappointed his mother and moved to Puerto Rico to Open up a freight brokerage. Since then he has created and sold two successful Freight brokerages, Currently Owned a trucking company based out of Chicago IL That he grew from one truck to a fleet of over 12! recently selling this business in order to focus on Staffbridge full time. His main focus now is in the consulting field for our new clients to review their logistics operations to identify hard to find but easy to implement changes to save them large amounts of money outside of just staffing.

Jeremiah Pic

Jeremiah Lizarraga

 IT Operations Manager

With a degree in Information Technology from Arizona State University Polytechnic, Jeremiah has over seven years of experience in logistical operations with First Star Logistics. Beginning his career as a Freight Broker, he quickly exceeded expectations and advanced to managing coordination teams. After several successful years in logistics, Jeremiah transitioned to the technology sector, working in Silicon Valley. As a Full Stack Developer at Gilead Pharmaceuticals, he gained valuable experience and deepened his passion for technological innovation. Currently, Jeremiah is focused on building teams for the future, specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technologies. His mission is to leverage his diverse background and create impactful technological solutions.

Johan Higuita

Head of HR and recruiting

Johan graduated with a masters degree in International Business from University of Medellin. He has worked in the logistics industry for 7 years, 6 of those with FC Companies. His experience includes customer service, team training, Logistics cordination, recruitment marketing, and team management. He started out as a broker and developed himself into a management level team member, coordinating and keeping his team focused on reaching its goals. Johan Manages our sizable recruitment office and bridges the gap to keep our potential employment pool full of qualified motivated indviduals.  

Luisa Sánchez

Nearshore Specialist

Luisa graduated with a degree in International Business from the University of Medellin. With 5 years of experience in the logistics and BPO industries, Luisa has developed expertise ranging from international market operation for a wide range of US-based Companies to freight dispatch within the United States. As a leader of BPO operations, Luisa fosters strong teamwork, ensuring that projects are completed successfully. Due to her dedication, responsibility, and commitment to both company and client success, customers enjoy working with Luisa. Always approachable, respectful, and positive, Luisa is focused on delivering the best outcomes for everyone involved.

Our Story

How we got started

 We are extremely proud of the level of service and honesty that we bring to our clients. This all started almost by accident six years ago when our founder was running a small freight brokerage remotely from Medellin, Colombia, with just a small team. One of his clients was having a difficult time finding an internal logistics coordinator, and Dave told her he could hire an employee in Medellin for a fraction of the cost and train him to handle whatever they needed. She was brave enough to take Dave up on the offer, and we quickly found a candidate who had just graduated with a master’s degree in International Business and Supply Chains.

We spent two weeks training that person on our client’s internal procedures. We then went a step further after seeing their internal operations and later advised them, helping our client open their own MC# to book directly with trucking companies. Within three months, we had brought all of their freight directly to the truck, saving them over $150,000 on their overall monthly logistics expenditures.

Today, six years later, that same individual we hired to handle her logistics department is still with them, and their team here has grown to include an additional six individuals. In that same time, we have repeated this process with over a dozen other clients in the freight sector, growing our team to over 100 members and managing over one million dollars worth of freight per day for our clients.

We’ve also branched out and brought more internal consultants onboard to handle engineering, IT and computer programming, accounting, back-office talent, boutique call center services, and executive assistants. In all these fields, we have in-house experts to ensure not only that we hire the most qualified individuals for you, but also to provide consulting services that bring fresh ideas to maximize your effective productivity!

Give us a call and let us help you scale your business:
+1 650-681-8831